Carefree sailing trips obviously start with a carefully maintained and well-equipped boat. But your own equipment and preparation can make your trip a lot more pleasant too. So pay attention to your clothing, food and safety to enjoy peace of mind on the water. Here are 7 tips for a carefree boat trip!


Tip 1: Comfortable, breathable clothing for optimal comfort

The most important thing to consider when you decide what to wear for a boat trip is your comfort. So go for breathable clothing that fits well. You will be exposed to different elements out on the water, so make sure you are well protected from the water, wind and sun. It’s always worthwhile to have a light jacket on board with you, because it can get quite chilly on the open water, even on sunny days. So for optimal comfort, it’s a smart idea to wear several layers of clothing, especially in winter. Extra tip: take a towel on board with you to dry off if you get wet.

Tip 2: Wear non-slip shoes to avoid falls

It’s important to choose the right shoes as well. Water can splash onto the deck of the boat, making it very slippery. So to avoid slipping and falling, it’s best to wear non-slip shoes. Good shoes also protect your feet from the sun and sharp objects on board.


Tip 3: Remember to protect yourself from the sun

The reflection of the sun off the water means that you are exposed to more sunlight than usual on a boat. So take sufficient sun protection with you. A hat with a wide brim helps keep you in the shade. Don’t forget sunscreen with a high UV protection factor and make sure you re-apply it every two hours to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Good sunglasses are also essential on board, because the reflections off the water increase the intensity of the sunlight. So you might want to consider polarised sunglasses that protect your eyes even better.

Tip 4: Don’t get dehydrated: drink enough water

If you’re going sailing, it’s important to drink enough water. After all, your body loses a lot of fluids due to the combination of physical exertion, exposure to the sun and the dehydrating effect of the wind. Drinking sufficient water is the way to prevent dehydration. Be careful about drinking alcohol on board. This is because the sun, the wind and the motion of the waves greatly increase the effect of the alcohol. Research has shown that the risk of an accident while sailing is almost double under the influence of alcohol.

Tip 5: Don’t go sailing on an empty stomach

Don’t set off on your trip with an empty stomach because you’re more likely to get seasick. It’s advisable to eat a light meal before you leave. Remember to take extra meals or snacks with you on the boat as well. If you don’t have a lot of sailing experience, it’s often difficult to stay in the cabin for long, let alone prepare a full meal.


Tip 6: Safety first: fasten your life jacket correctly

A life jacket is essential on boat trips. The captain usually provides the required life jackets, but of course you can also bring your own. It’s important for everyone on board to put their life jacket on before leaving and fasten it correctly. If there are children sailing with you, you need to check that their life jackets fit properly and are fastened correctly. Tip: you can mark life jackets with crepe tape and waterproof pens before setting sail, so that everyone can find their own life jacket easily.

Tip 7: Stay safe with your lifeline

If winds reach force 6 on the Beaufort scale, you should start using lifelines to ensure you don’t fall overboard. If you haven’t found your sea legs yet, feel free to use them throughout your boat trip. Ensure that you always attach your lifeline to stable fastening points, never to the ship’s rail. By the way, did you know that the number one cause of death among men when sailing is peeing over the rail and then falling overboard? So your life jacket is not just for show!


Is your boat ready for a safe passage?

Thanks to these 7 tips, you’ll be well prepared for the water. But clearly a good sailing trip starts with a well-maintained boat. So always choose genuine Honda parts, specially engineered for your Honda motor, if you want to be sure of good quality and long-lasting performance. Contact a distributor near you to schedule your next service for your outboard motor. We wish you smooth sailing!

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